Anxiety is a thief, it robs one of their ability to make decisions.
Anxiety is defined as: Distress or uneasiness of the mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune. Note the words within the definition…(fear of). Anxiety is a heightened physiological response to our fear of the unknown and/or things out of our control. As humans we think we need to control the unknown, or that fear will set in and we will then stall,
unable to chose the next step in our lives. Our minds will race ahead, pondering all the possible bad outcomes and we become in essence a hamster on a wheel– all furious activity that leads no where and just exhausts us both mentally and physically. God does not want that for us, ever. He wants us to remember that we are never in control-HE is always in control. He just needs us to acknowledge that fact and let go of our need to control, and therefore our fear and anxiety.
So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless.
Ecc 11:10